1*M AR Old Mountain Farm OctaviaQuinn

Photos by: Cheryle Moore-Smith & Wyl Smith

Octavia… freshened for the first time with an udder that was well attached with nice division between the udder halves. She has good sized teats that express nicely. Her teats as a first freshener point out to the sides a bit, but because she has that really nice division between the udder halves I fully expect to see her teats become plumb by her second or third freshening as she matures and carries more milk. This is something that linear appraiser; Betty Henning taught me.
Update 3-21-22: I was absolutely correct about Octavia’s teats becoming plumb with maturity. Octavia has such a wonderful mammary system in EVERY way that I have been really picky and not posted many photos until today because I just seemed to not be able to get photos that did her justice. Finally, a couple of days ago, I got some good ones, showing her fourth freshening udder and have added them to her gallery. This lady is absolutely amazing. She received an LA score of EEEE 91 as a 3rd freshener. Now I am hoping she will be able to do it again as a 5 year old so that she can have a wonderful permanent score. Octavia is mean to all the other does. I find myself having to give her time out periodically since she is a power doe and I fear that one of these days she will damage someone. However, her PMS moments are worth putting up with for a doe of this caliber. I am happy to say I now have an Octavia daughter and a grand son in my herd.

Sire:  Old Mountain Farm Tomo Quinn

Dam: Old Mountain Farm Pamela Jean

Date of Birth:

5/20/17 (twin)


Old Mountain Farm Larsen Quinn


Cou Clair with moonspotting


21.2” (Official measurement 8-29-21)

Linear Appraisal:

2021 - EEEE FS 91 @ 4 years & 3 months

Show Record:

Not Shown

Kidding History:

May 2019 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (sire: Samson)
May 2020 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (sire: Bold Elk)
March 2021 - quadruplets; 1 doe, 3 bucks (sire: Ed)
March 2022 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (Ed)