1*M AR Old Mountain Farm Bold Ersa

Photos by: Cheryle Moore-Smith

Ersa…my oh my where do I begin. She to me is like the “It Girl” of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats. Ersa has it all, Beautiful head, strong brisket, long, lean neck, sharp at the withers, tightly lain in shoulders, level chine and loin and a very wide rump with nice levelness from thurl to thurl. She is standing on strong feet and legs and exudes confidence. I sold Ersa’s dam; Selene this summer (and boy did that hurt). Selene is one of the most elegant does to be born here but as nice as she is, she didn’t have quite the udder attachments needed to remain in our herd. Selene however, has everything else… so much elegance it is as though she slinks when she walks, phenomenally thin, soft pliable skin, collapsible udder, large easy expressing teat orifices and generous milk production. Given all of Ersa’s dam’s qualities combined with Ersa’s sire’s family making a contribution, I have high hopes for Ersa to excel!

*DNA on File*

SG+*B Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk

Dam: Old Mountain Farm Selene

Date of Birth

4/19/20 (triplet)


Old Mountain Farm Beskallare (buck)


Swiss with moon spotting


Linear Appraisal:

Show Record:

Kidding History:

May 2021 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (sire: Kalamon)
February 2022 -triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (sire: JustPlainEd)
April 2023 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (sire: Stag Knight)
February 2024 - quadruplets; 3 does, 1 buck (sire: Bravo Quinn)
February 2025 - quadruplets; 2 does, 2 bucks (sire: Knight Rider)