Philosophies & Policies…
Old Mountain Farm Thyme. February 2007
Old Mountain Farm reserves the right to retain any kid from any breeding at any time. We keep a waiting list of those interested in acquiring a goat or goats from our herd. No deposit is required to be placed on the list. The waiting list is very long since I carry names over from one year to the next. It is impossible to accurately predict how long of a wait it could be before your name comes to the top but it is at least several years. NOTE: Our waiting list is currently CLOSED.
Wyl trimming Old Mountain Farm AnimalCracka’s hooves
Placing your name on the list is not a commitment from you to purchase. It is only a commitment from us to contact you when we have a goat or goats to offer you. At that time, we can discuss all goats that are available and figure out which goat or goats fit your needs best. I do not move on to the next person on the list until you have spoken for all of the goats you want to purchase. Preference is given to repeat customers that have been easy to work with. Although we don’t require that our goats in homes will take part in performance programs we do prefer that their new 2Legs will promote them through DHI, LA, Showing and properly photographing them.
Wyl on baby watch in the barn. SG Old Mountain Farm RainEDayWomN VEEE 90 with her 2019 twin doelings.
Wethers are priced at $150.00 to $200.00 and the price range of our breeding stock is from $800.00 to $6000.00, depending on quality & resume of the goat, its ancestors and its age at time of purchase. Kids are sometimes sold while on a bottle. The buyer must understand that ALL responsibilities of properly caring for their newly acquired goats falls on them. If something happens to the goats in the buyer’s care (or in a transporter's care), Old Mountain Farm and/or it's proprietors will not be held responsible in any way. The ONLY guarantee given on goats that we sell is that they are free from disqualifying faults at the time of sale. We also make sure that kids who leave here pre-weaning age are accustomed to taking a bottle before they leave.
SG Old Mountain Farm Katja Quinn EEEE 90 with her daughter, Old Mountain Farm Idun Quinn. Summer 2018.
Goats are instinctively herd animals, they require a "buddy" in order to be happy and healthy. We will not sell one goat by itself unless there is already at least one goat at the new home.
We no longer air ship goats. We have been air shipping since 1995 and the airlines have continued to make it exceedingly difficult to do so.
There are several reliable responsible ground transporters. Also, we love it when buyers make the trip here themselves to pick up their new goats.
Wyl milking 2*M Old Mountain Farm Anahita. Summer 2019.
We will absolutely NOT hold a goat or consider a goat a "sale pending" until we have your NON-refundable deposit (of at least $100.00) in hand. We prefer deposits to be made via PayPal unless you are close enough to visit the farm to make your deposit in cash. If you choose to make your deposit via PayPal, please notify us of your intent FIRST and be sure to add an extra 4% to your payment in order to cover the PayPal transaction fee. If you do not want to pay the extra 4%. PayPal has a “friends/family” option. If you take advantage of this option when making payment, there will be no service fee.
Old Mountain Farm MoonPie
Balance of payment on your goat or goats will be due upon notification that they are ready to leave for their new home and must be paid in full at time of transport. The final payment on goats must be in the form of cash, money order or PayPal. Once again PayPal is preferred unless you are paying cash when you pick up. All shipping costs associated with goat purchases such as transportation, heath certificates, veterinary fees, testing, crates etc. are the buyer’s responsibility.
Does browsing. Summer 2019
When emailing with questions, please include your location and phone number. I have difficulty typing at times due to chronic health issues so quite often I choose to pick up the phone and give you a call. A phone conversation makes it much easier to answer questions in depth than texting or typing does. That one sentence question that you send may take me a paragraph or two to answer properly.
SG 2*M AR Old Mountain Farm Ta-Dah! VEVE 90 with her newborn buckling named Old Mountain Farm Stoked
We look at our goats with a critical eye when it comes to describing conformity, both strengths and weaknesses to a potential customer and we are making every possible effort to breed healthy, productive, well conformed animals and because of this anyone considering purchasing an animal from us can be assured that we will do our best to provide them with the animal that they are looking for. Prospective clients should also know that we are "farmers". Meaning, we cull any animal not meeting our breeding quality requirements.
Old Mountain Farm Quick Favah, relaxing and watching tv with Wyl.
If WE are not satisfied enough with a goat's conformation or productivity to use in our own herd’s breeding program, why would we choose to sell it to another herd??? Our philosophy is "cull means kill" and since we do not condone wastefulness, we eat those we cull and we process hides too. This is just one more aspect of ensuring potential clients that we will not attempt to "pawn off" lesser animals on the inexperienced or unsuspecting person. We also like the fact that our food had a life while it was alive and we did not support agri-industry by eating meat from the supermarket. We do not have goats for the specific purpose of providing our table with meat however we do consider culling/killing to be one of the most important parts of a responsible breeding program.
Cheryle with Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn. March 2014.
Our herd is as large as we feel it should grow. Although it is a constant job at keeping the herd at a manageable size we never want to have more goats than we can properly care for so each year as we make it through the seasons, we have the tough task of deciding who will be moving to new homes. I have always said goat breeding, or any livestock for that matter is a constant lesson in “letting go”. This means we occasionally have adult breeding bucks and does available.
Look at this stash of sweet, creamy, delicious, RAW milk from our wonderful little dairy goats.
We do NOT guarantee height. We quite often use over height bucks for breeding. We have proven to ourselves by many years of our own breedings and from watching the evolution of other herds who have used over height animals that the use of over height bucks does not produce over height daughters. Some of the best bucks that I have had the pleasure of using in my herd were over height. I am speaking strictly of the genetics of over height bucks that come from a long line of in height does. Using over height does is a totally different genetic package.
A beautiful processed hide from one of our goats that had a life while it was alive. It was healthy, well fed, and shared sunbathing and playing with family members. It was respected in life AND in death. It was dispatched humanely by us here at the farm.
We guarantee that our goats are healthy and free from disqualifying faults when we sell them and at time of pick-up, transport or shipping. Since we cannot control the goat's environment once they leave our farm, or control the environment which they grow in after leaving our farm, we cannot offer further guarantees. Stress is very common in both kids and adults of all ages when moved from one place to another. Illness and in rare cases death can occur if the animal is not properly handled or treated. We will not be responsible for death, stress or illness of any kind after the animal leaves our farm.
Goat stew meat waiting to be browned for a yummy stew.
Because we consider biosecurity to be of the utmost importance we may not choose to have goats re-enter our herd after leaving but we do expect the purchaser to always give us right of refusal on any animal they have purchased from us in the past and find they need to re-home and we do consider it a common courtesy and obligation. Sometimes even though we may not be interested in goats that are offered to us, we can make helpful suggestions as to who may be interested.
CH Old Mountain Farm Natasha snacking on flowers. Summer 2017
When someone agrees to purchase a goat or goats, a mutually agreed upon date will be made for pick-up or transport. If that agreed upon date comes and the goat or goats are still here at Old Mountain Farm, there will be a $5.00 per day, per goat boarding fee for the first week and a $10.00 per day, per goat boarding fee for the second week. After the second week all money paid will be forfeited by the purchaser and the goat or goats will either be retained in the Old Mountain Farm herd or offered to another buyer.
Does running out to the southeast pasture. Summer 2018
We have worked long and hard to get the good reputation that we have and we wish to keep that good reputation, so we want you to be pleased with your purchase which of course will ensure that the goats live a happy and healthy life. Thank-you for considering Old Mountain Farm for your Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat purchases. We hope to hear from you soon.