Old Mountain Farm PussyFoot

Photos by: Cheryle Moore-Smith & Wyl Smith

Pussy is small like her dam and grand dam before her. She has really nice depth of body, strong legs and feet and a beautiful brisket. She has a nicely shaped well attached mammary system and her teats which are average sized express nicely.

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Samson*S

Dam:  Old Mountain Farm TipToe

Date of Birth:

4/30/2013 (Quadruplet)


2 bucklings
1 doeling


Buckskin with random white and moon spots


Linear Appraisal:

Show Record:

Kidding History:

June 2019 - singleton doe (sire: Tomo Quinn)
May 2020 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (sire: Bold Elk)