2*M Old Mountain Farm Peris

Photos by: Wyl Smith, Cheryle Moore-Smith & Jackson Pehrson
What does the name “Peris” (pronounced Peri) mean? In Persian culture Peris are extremely Beautiful spirits who guide mortals to the land of the blessed.
Peris… when you meet her, the first thing you can’t help but notice is her beautiful markings and coloring. However, underneath all that flash, she is the real deal, a real dairy goat. She has a beautifully shaped mammary system that makes copious amounts of milk. She has an extremely wide area of attachment that I describe as a large wide salad bowl that is really tucked way up tight. She has creamy soft skin with easy expressing plump teats. For the nine years that she lived here with us, she was one of my best friends. Our relationship had an interesting evolution. She is the only doe born here that actually disowned her dam and chose to be a bottle kid instead. Her dam, having been raised in another herd, was “feral wild” and always chose to be as far away from us 2Legs as possible. Peris wanted the exact opposite as her dam did. She would always gallop up to me along with my bottle kids (even though she was being dam raised) and beg for the bottle. You could tell her dam was telling her to stay away from us but Peris didn’t listen. Within about three weeks she completely stopped nursing her dam and decided to become a full time bottle kid. When she matured and had her own kids, our relationship changed. It was clear that she treated me like one of her kids. She is to this day the ONLY doe I have ever known that, each time I milked her, she made “mama noises” (those noises that are strictly reserved for a doe’s own kids). Peris is the daughter of the 2008 AGS National Junior Champion buck. She is also the Grand dam to the 2016 ADGA National Champion Junior Doe and the Dam to “+*B Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn”. Cyrus is the sire to CH Wood Bridge Farm 22K Gold. 22K Gold is the 2021 ADGA National Champion Senior Doe. Cyrus Quinn is also the 2017 ADGA National 2nd place Get of Sire and the 2018 ADGA National 1st Place Get of Sire. In 2017 I gave Peris to our friend Mark at Hilltop Farms for his birthday. She continues to be productive and thrive for Mark in his Agape’s Prize Herd. I miss her terribly but I am sure she has been enjoying the much warmer winters with Mark & Jennifer.
Sire: +B Old Mountain Farm Dan Seur
Dam: 1*M Roundabout Persian Princess
Date of Birth:
3/26/2008 (Triplet)
Old Mountain Farm Mithra (buck)
Gold with moon spots & random white
22.25” (unofficial measurement on 7-24-11)
22.2“ (official measurement 7-24-11)
Linear Appraisal:
2017- VVVE FS 87 @ 8 years & 4 Months (permanent score)
Show Record:
Not shown
Kidding History:
April 2009 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (sire: Pete & RePete)
Jan. 2010 - 1 doe (sire: Nux Moschata)
May 2011 - 1 buck (sire: Renga)
April 2012 - twins; 1 doe, 1 buck (sire: Cernunnos)
Feb. 2013 - triplet bucks (sire: Stag)
March 2014 - triplet bucks (sire: InLikeQuinn)
Feb. 2015 - triplets; 2 does, 1 buck (sire: Maenar Quinn)
May 2016 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (sire: Field Mouse)
March 2017 - triplets; 2 does, 1 buck (sire: Allegiance)