CH Old Mountain Farm Millet

Photos by: Cheryle Moore-Smith & Wyl Smith
Millet was a beautiful small doe that was very structurally sound. I only sold her because as usual… feeling the need to maintain a manageable herd size and really feeling good about the 2Legs I was sending her to. She had a long body with a beautiful top line, sharp withers, strong chine and loin with a wide rump that was properly sloped from hips to pins and high thurls giving her levelness from side to side. She had a very strong brisket, long, lean neck, tight shoulders and elbows, strong pasterns with tight straight front feet and good width throughout. Millet had a beautiful head with a strong wide muzzle and very expressive “doe eyes” and a charming personality. Millet had a beautifully attached udder with a high rear attachment. Really the only improvement that I would make on this doe is for her to have more division between the udder halves but that is something I would totally expect to see improve with age.
When I sold her, she was picked up by a transporter that drove her to her home, where she stayed overnight in the transporter’s truck. Then completed her trip to her new owners the next day. All in all she was on the road for 18 hours (plus her overnight stay in the transporter’s truck). She met her new 2Legs where they were at a show with their other goats. Millet was at the time still wearing her scruffy Maine winter coat since it was too cold to groom her before she left. Her new 2Legs thought that she looked so nice that they wanted to show her that day so they gave her udder a fresh clip, walked her into the show ring and she won her first Grand Champion leg! Millet easily won her remaining two Champion legs in the next two show rings that she walked into. Unfortunately, Millet passed away at a “too young” age. If she had lived a full life I expect she would have had many many accolades to brag about.
Sire: SG++*B Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos
Dam: 2*M AR Old Mountain Farm Mary Jane*D AR 2159
Date of Birth:
Linear Appraisal:
2016 - +EEV @ 4 years & 4 Months
Show Record:
Kidding History:
Feb 2014 - singleton buck (sire: Tanka)
April 2016 - twins; one doe, one buck (sire: Nightshade)