SG Old Mountain Farm Katja Quinn EEEE 90 (permanent score)

Photos by: Jackson Pehrson

“Katja” is full sister to the 2017 ADGA Reserve National Champion Senior Doe and daughter of
“+*B Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn VEE 88”. Keidan was the 2017 ADGA National Get Of Sire Buck who was also the 2017 ADGA National Premier Sire. Katja is a long bodied doe with a wide, long, correctly sloped rump, beautiful slender neck and pretty head with a Strong Muzzle. She Has Good Feet & Legs And A gorgeous udder that is a pleasure to milk. She’s very productive in terms of milking ability and the amount of kids she produces.

SG +*B Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn

Dam:  SG 3*M AR Old Mountain Farm Katja

Date of Birth:

2/10/2012 (Singleton)


Gold & White


21.8” (Official Measurement Aug. 2017)

Linear Appraisal:

2017 - EEEE 90 @ 5 Years & 6 Months (Permanent Score)

Show Record:

Not Shown

Kidding History:

Feb. 2014 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (Sire: Tanka)
Feb. 2015 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks (Sire: Apache Wind)
Feb. 2016 - quad bucks (sire: JustPlainJoe)
March 2017 - quint does (sire: Sebastian)
Jan. 2018 - quints; 4 does, 1 buck (Sire: Sayomis)
May 2019 - triplets; 2 does, 1 buck (Sire: Hercules)